Canadian Police Statistics Close

Comparitive Stats
The graphs and charts below compare some major Candian police services with international police services. From here you can see how under funded policing is in Canada and why citizens need to do more for their own security.
Assault 17,718 20,207 10,889 9,876 3,781 6,470 31,529
Auto Theft 3,423 7,664 577 5,489 1,385 10,089 14,861
Break & Enter 6,904 16,765 2,579 10,126 5,522 14,579 46,666
Murder 56 333 22 28 16 407 86
Robbery 3,520 16,539 223 2,806 749 9,811 3,419
Sexual Assault 2,292 1,352 70 1,110 405 1,479 4,737
Total 33,913 62,860 14,360 29,435 11,858 42,835 69,769

The above graphs show how Toronto Police, Montreal Police and Vancouver Police have far fewer officers per citizen and more crimes per officer than New York, Hong Kong, Chicago and New South Wales. The lack of police in Canada means crimes get less investigation time than other places in the world. Neighbourhood watch is one way to offset this problem.

Toronto Police Statistics 2015
website Population 2015: 2,800,000, Police Officers 2015: 5,200
Assault 17,718
Auto Theft 3,423
Break & Enter 6,904
Murder 56
Robbery 3,520
Sexual Assault 2,292
Theft Over $5,000 1,035
Total 34,948

New York Police Statistics 2014
website Population 2013: 8,406,000, Police Officers 2011: 36,600+
Murder & Non-Negl. Manslaughter 333
Rape 1,352
Robbery 16,539
Felony Assault 20,207
Burglary 16,765
Grand Larceny 43,862
Grand Larceny of Motor Vehicle 7,664
Total 106,722

Hong Kong Police Statistics 2015
website Population 2015: 7,200,000, Police Officers 2011: 28,984
Homicide 22
Rape 70
Robbery 223
Violent Crime 10,889
Burglary 2,579
All Thefts (minor and major) 27,512
Theft of Motor Vehicle 577
Total 41,872

Montreal Police Statistics 2014
website Population 2011: 1,649,519 ,Total Officers: 4,601
Homicide 28
Sexual Assaults 1,110
Robbery 2,806
Assault 9,876
Break & Enter 10,126
Auto Theft 5,489
Total 59,971

Vancouver Police Statistics 2015
website Population: 700,000 ,Total Officers 2013: 1,327
Homicide 16
Sexual Assaults 405
Robbery 749
Assault 3,781
Break & Enter 5,522
Auto Theft 1,385
Total 11,858

Chicago Police Statistics 2014
website Population: 2,635,352 ,Total Officers 2012: 11,944
Homicide 407
Sexual Assaults 1,479
Robbery 9,811
Assault 6,470
Break & Enter 14,579
Auto Theft 10,089
Total 42,835

New South Wales (Australia) Police Statistics 2014
website Population (2014): 7,544,000 ,Total Officers 2015: 20,329
Homicide 86
Sexual Assaults 4,737
Robbery 3,419
Assault 31,529
Break & Enter 46,666
Auto Theft 14,861
Total 69,769

Improving Neighbourhood Watch Through Automation